

Warrior Princess Asuka English Version 【エロゲ】 eiline_0216english

eiline_0216english St. Nibel is caught off guard during the absence of its royal army and its castle is occupied by the demon army Girudea commands. Girudea takes the castle’s inhabitants hostage and demands Princess As…

Royal Guard Melissa English Version 【エロゲ】 eiline_0218english

eiline_0218english The royal capital is occupied by magical forces when the royal forces are absent. Royal Guard Melissa, in reaction to the princess and her subjects being taken hostage, tries to assassinate the ringle…

Warrior Princess Asuka − The Final Chapter 【エロゲ】 eiline_0220english

eiline_0220english St. Nibel was caught off guard during the absence of its royal army and its castle was occupied by the demon army Girudea commands. In order to save the citizens from the demons, princess Asuka and ro…